• Marita Isobel Solberg held a speech in English and Sámi

  • Five visitors share their views

  •  Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum is nominated for the second time as one of three finalists for the Norwegian Museums Association’s “Museum of the Year” award.

  • «Same i festdrakt» av John Savio


    The John Savio Award will be presented for the second time in 2017 and carries a cash prize of 150,000 Norwegian crowns

  • It was a full house last Friday

  • Finally, Sápmi, Norway and the world has a museum dedicated to Sami art! After almost 40 years of activism, acquisition, negotiation, lobbyism and stubbornness, the world of art enters a new era. A big day for Sápmi. A big day for Norway. A big day for the world.

  • The museum is very pleased with a busy weekend. The opening night of View From Up Here turned out great, and the artist talk was equally interesting.

  • «Cap Noir» av Anna-Eva Bergman

    2017 will be a year with several collaborative projects, focusing on the circumpolar and the challenges facing the Arctic.

  • We are going to create a new experience of the permanent collection at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. The permanent exhibition space on the first floor will be closed while we think, explore and redesign.

  • Today marks the opening of Troms county municipality quaterly assembly, and every politician must go past the «Artwork in focus» on their way to the assembly. We cooperate with the county municipaity in a number of ways, among others by presenting four different artworks a year on «our» wall. In the video below, you can see curator Charis Gullickson putting up the new painting.
